BAH Calculator

Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) Overview

Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) is a monthly benefit designed to help military members cover housing costs when government quarters aren’t available. For 2025, the Department of Defense (DoD) implemented a 5.4% increase in BAH rates, reflecting changes in local housing markets. Use our BAH Calculator below to see your potential 2025 BAH, whether you have dependents or not.

Note: The DoD calculates BAH based on your duty station’s ZIP code, not the ZIP code of your current residence. If you’re unsure about your duty station’s ZIP code, visit the USPS ZIP Code Lookup page for clarification.

FY25 Military BAH Rate Calculator

FY25 Military BAH Calculator

BAH Rate Results

AF Crashpad

How to Use Our BAH Calculator


1. Enter Your Duty Station’s ZIP Code – Make sure it’s your official duty station, not your residential address.

2. Select Your Pay Grade – Different ranks receive different BAH levels.

3. Indicate Dependents – Whether you have dependents affects your rate.

Once you’ve entered your information, you’ll see monthly and annual BAH amounts for both with-dependents and without-dependents statuses. You can also look up previous years’ BAH for comparison or historical data.

How BAH Is Determined

Each year, the DoD gathers housing market data from over 300 local markets, considering median rents, utilities, and other relevant costs. The DoD then verifies these findings with local real estate professionals, military housing offices, and community leaders, ensuring the rates are fair and accurate.

Because housing markets vary, BAH differs by location—especially if you’re in a high-cost or “non-standard” area. Keep in mind that official updates to BAH usually appear around mid-August for the upcoming year.

Monthly Housing Allowance (MHA)

For servicemembers, spouses, and children using the GI Bill, the VA provides a Monthly Housing Allowance (MHA), which is based on BAH rates but calculated differently. If you’re on active duty or living in base housing, you can still use the GI Bill, but you typically won’t receive MHA funds.

MHA vs. BAH: While both rates refer to housing costs, MHA is specific to GI Bill usage and has its own rules.

Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA): If you’re stationed outside the U.S., check out the DoD’s OHA tool for overseas housing rates.

Who Qualifies for BAH?

Active-Duty Military: In the Air Force, Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Space Force, and Commissioned Corps (Public Health Service & NOAA).

Location-Based: Must be stationed in the United States (including Alaska, Hawaii, D.C.) where government housing isn’t available.

Dependency Status: Rates differ for servicemembers with or without dependents.


Veterans, National Guard, and Reserve members using education benefits under the GI Bill can refer to the Monthly Housing Allowance (MHA) calculations, which may differ from BAH.

Start Calculating Your 2025 BAH

Simply input your Duty Station ZIP Code, Pay Grade, and Dependent Status into our AFCrashpad BAH Calculator below. We’ll show you an estimate of your monthly and yearly housing allowance so you can plan ahead and make informed decisions about your living situation.

Ready to See Your BAH?

Use the calculator to get started. If you have any questions about military lodging or need help finding fully furnished crashpad accommodations, feel free to reach out to us at We’re here to make your TDY or PCS as smooth as possible!